My next book’s progress

This week I wrote 8,000 words, progressing the first draft of Book 3 to roughly 15,000 words. I also worked on my protagonists and minor characters more. So, now I’m not predominantly focusing on the plot. I know what characters are likely to say and do, for the current and future drafts too.

It amazes me how some writing weeks can be so productive and others just not.

Life gets in the way. Some of it wonderful and some of it just plain challenging.

To throw something else in the mix – can you believe Christmas is only a couple of months away? That in itself brings both wonderful experiences and challenges.

I love putting my Christmas tree up early. This year, I’ll be aiming for a bigger tree on the living room floor again, not a smaller version propped up high for puppies and kids to admire from below only. We’ll see how this goes. We may be putting the big tree away pretty quickly before too much breaks. But even if some ornaments do, Christmas really is about the kids, right?

I’m also a planner what Christmas presents are concerned, and buying presents for everyone on the list doesn’t bother me too much if I can get it done relatively quickly. There may be a quick last-minute dash online closer to the day, but generally I’m organised early. Not mid-year early, but one to two months before the date, at least.

This is the fun part, right? As I’m writing this it occurred to me that maybe the procrastinators know something about delaying stress, that I don’t.

What’s definitely not so fun is the logistics of getting everyone together at a certain time of day when others’ competing engagements seem to be ever consuming. It really does get ridiculous if one is brave enough to host the lunch.

But it’s Boxing Day that’s most relaxing and a day to finally take a breath. Until then, it’s nail-biting fun all the way. Perhaps I might end up delaying the end-of-year activities a little longer and do some last-minute things for a change – work on Book 3’s draft in the meantime.

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