I recently watched another film based on an unusually popular book and unlike many others, the ending completely surprised me. In fact, it surprised me so much, that I forgave the rapid flow of events at the start and the …
I recently watched another film based on an unusually popular book and unlike many others, the ending completely surprised me. In fact, it surprised me so much, that I forgave the rapid flow of events at the start and the …
Have you ever heard the expression “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”? I can tell you that I’m that person at the moment and if you hand me something to do outside of a work …
More often than not, the birthday (and the birth year) of a character don’t have a great effect on a storyline, unless your novel spans 20 years and you’ve decided to use birthdays as an indication that time has passed. …
I’ve always been a fan of technology. In the last ten years, I have relied on technology to earn a living (for the most part). But technology is changing faster than ever before and we are powerless against it and …
So you’ve spent a few hundred hours on a novel already and you’ve experienced all different forms of writer’s block, twice. In my case, one of the things I’ve discovered, is that my villain’s name (let’s call him Robert) just …
I have been travelling for work a bit more lately and as a result, I have also been relying on restaurants for meals. In the early years, I wouldn’t really go to a restaurant unless I was with another colleague …
Writer’s block – What is it good for? For no rhyme or reason, I sometimes manage to write 3000 words a day. Other times I have trouble just getting to the point of opening the Word document that contains my …
Lately, the questions I am asked most often are “how is your book going?” and “when will it be finished?” The second question has a shorter answer, so I’ll start with that. “Soon, I hope.” The first will need a …